Sebastian Baunsgaard

Sebastian Baunsgaard

Sebastian Baunsgaard is a PhD student at TU Berlin supervised by Matthias Boehm. His research focus is exploiting data structures in programs via workload-aware compression. Sebastian is a frequent contributor to open source code and is a PMC member in Apache SystemDS with contributions ranging from high-level compilation techniques to low-level tight-loop optimization of kernels. Sebastian received his bachelor and master from ITU Copenhagen specializing in advanced computing and algorithms. His dissertation is on the subject of speech recognition. Before starting his PhD, Sebastian worked with automatic test setup and installation of high-end cameras in Phase One, and full-stack web development in Zen Data Aps.




Sebastian Baunsgaard, Matthias Boehm: AWARE: Workload-aware, Redundancy-exploiting Linear Algebra, PACMMOD 1, N1, 2023. (Paper, Slides, Poster, Repro)


Sebastian Baunsgaard, Matthias Boehm, Kevin Innerebner, Mito Kehayov, Florian Lackner, Olga Ovcharenko, Arnab Phani, Tobias Rieger, David Weissteiner and Sebastian Benjamin Wrede: Federated Data Preparation, Learning, and Debugging in Apache SystemDS (Demo), CIKM 2022. (Paper, Poster)


Sebastian Baunsgaard, Matthias Boehm, Ankit Chaudhary, Behrouz Derakhshan, Stefan Geißelsöder, Philipp M. Grulich, Michael Hildebrand, Kevin Innerebner, Volker Markl, Claus Neubauer, Sarah Osterburg, Olga Ovcharenko, Sergey Redyuk, Tobias Rieger, Alireza Rezaei Mahdiraji, Sebastian Benjamin Wrede, Steffen Zeuch: ExDRa: Exploratory Data Science on Federated Raw Data. SIGMOD Conference 2021 (Paper, Repro)


Matthias Boehm, Iulian Antonov, Sebastian Baunsgaard, Mark Dokter, Robert Ginthör, Kevin Innerebner, Florijan Klezin, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt, Arnab Phani, Benjamin Rath, Berthold Reinwald, Shafaq Siddiqui, Sebastian Benjamin Wrede: SystemDS: A Declarative Machine Learning System for the End-to-End Data Science Lifecycle. CIDR 2020 (Paper)

Sebastian Baunsgaard, Sebastian Bejamin Wrede, Pinar Tözün: Training for Speech Recognition on Coprocessors. ADMS@VLDB 2020

Work Experience

